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Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

In Chinese Medicine, we care about your health issues and lifestyle.

  • How is your liquid intake? Do you feel thirsty?
  • How is your diet / appetite? Do you feel hungry all the time or have no appetite?
  • How is your stress level / your breathing?
  • How is your sleep? How many hours of sleep do you get each night? Do you feel refreshed when you wake up?
  • How is your sex drive / your energy level?
  • How is your mood? Happy? Do you anger easily?
  • How is your urination? Can you control your urgency?
  • How are your bowel movements?
  • How is your energy level? Are you sensitive to the surrounding temperatures?


Patients must maintain proper fluid levels by monitoring their water intake. There are many ailments caused by dehydration, so the Chinese medical provider must check the amount of water or fluid a patient drinks throughout the day. Dehydration is a major cause of toxicity in the body. The human body can be compared to an automobile engine. You must give your car an oil change every 3,000 miles. If you deprive your car’s engine of fresh oil, your car’s engine can overheat. The body, like an engine, must be lubricated with proper fluids. If you deprive your body of proper fluids, dehydration can bring about a number of symptoms, including ache, headache, fatigue, tiredness, constipation, dry cough, skin symptoms such as acne or rash, high blood pressure, and possibly requiring dialysis later in life.

For proper hydration you should sip / drink the liquid an average of 3 to 4 ounces (100-120ml) per hour. The key is the frequency, not the amount of liquid. It is recommended that you sip or swish the liquid to induce more of your saliva. In Chinese medicine, we recognize the value of saliva. It’s as precious to our bodies as gold or jade is to jewelry. If you go to bathroom every hour or more frequently, that means you have had too much liquid too fast or too much in one time. This also helps to allow the body to better recycle fresh energy.


How is your diet and / or eating habits? Eating is an auto deposit into your body’s energy account. If you have a healthy, balanced diet (full of nourishment), your energy account will be balanced and you will have enough energy to last you throughout the day. Without proper nourishment (skipping meals, eating too much, etc.), you will have an overdraft of your energy account. In Chinese medicine, we recommend that you eat on time and that you eat 5 small meals everyday. Each meal should be composed of a balanced diet with a good mix of carbohydrates, fiber and protein. Never skip a meal and make sure you eat a good breakfast, mild lunch, small dinner with 2 snacks in between. Dinner should be finished before 7 – 8PM and no solid food after 8PM. A good balanced breakfast can add funding into your energy account. A good lunch allows you to maintain high energy. A small dinner allows you to avoid storing too much fat or cholesterol. If you eat and run, eat too late, eat one meal per day or only eat high protein foods, this is similar to depositing bad checks into your bank account. These bad checks will cause you to pay a bigger price later, resulting in the following health issues: stomach problems, indigestion, low energy levels and poor sleep quality.


The proper way to breathe is to use your diaphragm and only inhale and exhale air through the nostrils. Always curve your tongue upward — gently touching the upper gum line. This is the basic method of kong-fu (cong-fu) (qi-cong) breathing. Kong-fu breathing brings in double the volume of oxygen and induces saliva into the mouth. In Chinese medicine, we believe that lung chi (lung energy) can be fully recharged by using kong-fu (qi-cong) breathing. This helps the body recycle energy and release toxins faster. If you are healthy and balanced, with proper breathing you don’t need to rely on coffee, soda or other stimulants to keep up with your busy routine. If you agitate easily, fall asleep at work or can’t concentrate, practice kong-fu breathing for 2 to 5 minutes to quickly recharge your energy. When you are at work, try to take a 15 minute break every 3 to 4 hours to allow your physical body to recharge. In Chinese medicine, we use mediation and proper breathing to neutralize stress in the mind. In Western culture, we use sex to ease stress. It may work in the short term, however, it will completely deplete your health and energy levels.


What time do you go to bed? If you go to bed after 11PM every night, you will have an overdraft of your energy account. If you do not feel refreshed in the morning, you have not adequately recharged your energy to have balanced levels. Our natural biological clock provides the body with deep phase IV sleep between the hours of 12AM and 1AM. If you miss this timing, the next phase IV sleep will be around 5AM to 6AM (the same time as sunrise). Good quality sleep can make sure our health account provides us with good, fresh energy for the day. When we are constantly short on recharging our energy due to poor quality sleep. Eventually, this bad lifestyle will create a black hole in your health account. A typical example — when my patients indicate that their depression is getting worse, the main reason is because most of them have been suffering from sleep problems for 2 weeks or longer.

Please, develop good sleeping habits. First, go to bed before 11PM (if possible). Second, use kong-fu (qi cong) breathing techniques to slow down your busy mind before falling asleep. Third, try to get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep everyday.

Recommended sleep (based on age):

  • Early to Mid 20s – 5 to 6 hours
  • Early to Mid 30’s and 40’s – 6 to 7 hours
  • Age 50 and up – 7 to 8 hours

Lack of proper sleep can lead to poor concentration, forgetfulness, absentmindedness, chronic fatigue or other issues. Good quality sleep can ensure that your energy account is fully recharged and not depleted of funds.

Bodily Functions

How often do you urinate? The body needs to recycle energy. Sweat, urination and bowel movements are ways that the body releases toxins and recycles new, fresh energy to the body. In Chinese medicine, we focus on balancing our healthy energy. If you urinate every hour, you are drinking too much, too fast. If your urine is clear, light with no smell, that is better than it being dark with a bad smell. Some women put off going to the bathroom. Doing this on a regular basis can result in a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), high blood pressure, kidney disease and low health and energy levels.

Get into the habit of understanding your body and observe your daily bodily functions. If it burns or itches when you urinate, be alert! If it lasts for more than 24 hours, see your physician immediately. If your urine is dark in color, you are not getting enough liquids. If your urine has an unusual smell, it may be related to food you have consumed in the past few hours. If you observe bubbles floating to the surface, be alert. If this happens often, please check with your physician. You may want to check your diet as well, you may have consumed too much protein.

How are your bowel movements? Like urination, this process also allows our bodies to release toxins. We like to see this function happen daily — 2 times a day with quality and shape. In Western medicine, it is considered OK to have a bowel movement every other day. In Chinese medicine, not having a bowel movement every day means that your health account needs a small tune-up.

The frequency and quality of your bowel movements can provide a lot of clues concerning your health. In Chinese medicine, we prefer to have regular movements 1 to 3 times a day. The quality of your stool should be formed and soft. You should not have any cramping or bloating. If your stool is too soft, watery or too dry — this is not a healthy sign. If you observe blood or mucus after a bowel movement, you may have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or hemorrhoids. Contact your physician to be screened.

Your daily diet and frequency of liquid intake can improve and support your healthy bowel. If you notice that your bowel movement patterns have changed (diarrhea or constipation) and you are over 50 years old, please follow up with your physician as soon as possible. If you have occasional diarrhea, be sure to prevent dehydration by sipping and swishing no more than 4 ounces (100ml+/-) of water or sports drinks with electrolytes. You may also want to stay away from a solid diet for at least 12 to 24 hours. If you do not have cramping or a fever, the symptoms should subside. Occasional constipation can be relieved by adding liquid and fiber to your diet.


How is your exercise regimen? In Chinese medicine, we focus on how to reset your spinal cord energy. We consider the spinal cord as a jade column. Your daily exercise routine should focus on how to maintain the alignment of the spinal cord. This is an essential factor to a health lifestyle. With our busy daily schedules, it is recommended that your daily exercises produce less sweat and incorporate more stretching along the spine. Be sure to change your position and posture every few hours and always incorporate kong-fu (qi cong) breathing techniques.

Tips for Exercising:

  • Part One: Upper body, neck and shoulder exercises
  • Part Two: Spinal cord exercise, stand or sit
  • Part Three: Lower back stretches
  • Part Four: Lower body and limb exercises


How is your daily mood? Your attitude determines your success. Positive thinking allows you to remain healthy. In Chinese medicine, we focus on balance. The basic philosophy is to be content with what you have and appreciate and accept what you can get. Set reasonable goals. Do everything from the heart and enjoy what you do. Set a balance between health and money. If you live your life constantly thinking negative thoughts, you will deplete your healthy energy. In the long term, the price you pay will be health issues down the road. Learn to express your feelings properly. If you always keep your emotions bottled up, it will hurt you in the long run. The old Chinese medicine says: Over sadness will hurt heart energy, over angry will hurt your liver energy, over worry will hurt your spleen energy, over grief will hurt your lung energy, and over fear will hurt your kidney energy.


The last factor that is very important to adults is your sex life. Sexual activities can enhance your love, passion and pleasure in life, but one act of intercourse can cost you as must as a $300 withdrawal from your $1000 energy account. A teenager can redeposit this energy within 24 hours with full rest. However, senior citizens can take up to 2 weeks to redeposit this energy. So, an overuse of “fun” can turn into a major depletion on your health energy.

Use the following Chinese wisdom for the frequency of “fun”:

  • Teenager – up to 5 times a week
  • Mid 20-30 – up to 3 times a week
  • Mid 30-40 – up to twice a week
  • Mid 40-50 – up to once or twice a week
  • Mid 50-60 – up to once or twice monthly
  • Mid 60-70 – up to once every 2 to 3 months
  • Mid 70-80 – up to once every 6 months or once a year

To have longevity and a healthy life, you must practice control, wisely.

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