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Tips on Self Healing for Cold and Flu Prevention


The use of hot-hot sticks can really restore your healing power. First, you must upgrade your lifestyle.

Public health regulations should be used in preventing illness from spreading to you or your loved one.  When you are sick, you should wear a mask or ensure the sick person around you is wearing a mask in public or at home.

Hygiene:  Thoroughly wash your hands after each cough or after you come in contact with a sick person.  Disinfect or clean the contaminated areas as soon as you can.  Do not share toothbrushes, linens or personal items (cups, drink, lipstick, etc) with the sick person.

Diet:  Do not miss breakfast, cut back the size of dinner and add snacks in between meals.  You must have enough daily calories.  Add a daily dose of 1000mg of Vitamin C during the cold/flu season.  Drink lime juice with local honey (8 to 20 ounces daily).  Add 200mg of Ginseng daily (either in a pill or tea) before 3PM.  Do not use Ginseng if you are already sick, have a fever or infection.

Hydration:  Avoid frozen drinks.  Drink real chicken broth, 2 onions, 20 slices of ginger soup more frequently.  Don't forget to swish your liquid all the time when you drink. These can enhance your oral hygiene, and also adequately hydrate your self. Don’t forget to swish your liquid in your mouth when you drink. This can enhance your oral hygiene and allow you to properly hydrate.

Sleep: Avoid staying up too late. If possible, try to go to bed before 11PM. Getting 8 hours of quality sleep every night can help keep cold and flu away.  Properly prepare yourself for sleep to ensure good sleep quality.  Use hot-hot sticks wisely for enhancing your sleep quality.

Stress Management: Practice Qi-Cong breathing more frequently during the cold and flu season.  Do not forget to curve your tongue upwards all the time when you are not talking.

Sex Life: For those who are sexually active, watch out 24 to 72 hours after intimacy. Try to restore the good energy back on time. Good rest and nutrition can prevent allergies from getting worse. It’s quality, not quantity that controls your healthy lifestyle.

Exercise:  Do a facial massage, quick whole body massage, and Chinese bow exercise to stretch your spinal cord throughout the day.

Dress Code:  Dress warmer and try not to catch a cold.  Drink onion/ginger soup ASAP if you think that you were exposed to the cold.  It works good in the first 24 hours.

Urination:  One thing that is very important for detoxing is your frequency of urination.  If you have a cold or the flu, you must force warm liquid and try to pee every 1-2 hours for a period of 6 to 8 hours.  You should feel the relief of your aches and fever start to subside.  Continue this until all complaints are gone.

Home remedy:  (1) Hot/Warm broth (chicken, pork, beef, etc.) with 2 fist sized crushed/diced onions, 12-24 quarter slices of fresh ginger soup.  When you are healthy, drink it 2-3 times a week.  When you are sick, drink it all day long unil the complaints are gone.  Do NOT use ginger if you have a sore throat.  Suck Zinc lozenges for your sore throat.

(2) Use a nasal saline solution to make sure there is no congestion or nasal blockage.  Use it wisely and frequently to ensure that your can breath in and out from your nose and not your mouth.

(3) Immune booster herbal tea:  Combination of Chinese herbs, (A) Huang chee(Astragalus), Huang jin( Polygonatum Cyrtonema), GuocheeZir(wolf-berry), DaZaor (Red Dates). It is available from Mr. Lee's clinic.  Drink this tea 1-2 times a week.  It will boost your immune system along with a healthy lifestyle. (B) Drink a mixture of 200mg of Ginseng and 1-3 grams of Cinnamon powder tea daily or every other day.  This is good for those people with cold feet and cold hands (sensitivity to the cold temperature).

If you order/use your home healing kit as an art, you can be relieved right away.  This information is good for healthy adults only.

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